Washington ECG Certification Class

  • 48 hours of book and intensive hands on phlebotomist training
  • National Exam given during last class

Phlebotomy Training Specialists program is 48 hours in length, during which time you will receive all of the book and hands on training that you need to be ready for the workforce right out of class. The hands on training, lab processing, quantity of blood draws,VeinViewer usage, coupled with amazing trainers and just the right amount of book training, ensures you will be successful. This is a fast paced learning environment, but students always have the option to return to the class, or attend alternate classes, free of charge once they have completed the class and attended one time. If you fail the National Examination in this state, we will pay for you to take it a second time, which is just like a pass guarantee. Enroll today in the most exciting and energetic Phlebotomy Training class in America.

Select A Training Location

Opening Soon

Religious Accommodation:Phlebotomy Training Specialists will make good faith efforts to provide reasonable religious accommodations to students who have sincerely held religious practices or beliefs that conflict with a scheduled course requirement. Students requesting a religious accommodation should make the request, by email, to [email protected] with as much advance notice as possible. Being absent from class or other educational responsibilities does not excuse students from keeping up with any information shared or expectations set during the missed class. Students are responsible for obtaining materials and information provided during any class missed. The student shall contact Student Services by calling 1-844-967-0942 to schedule make up.

Select A Training Location

Seattle (Tukwila) North Seattle (Lynnwood) Spokane (Liberty Lake)
2,234 Washington ECG Jobs